Posts Tagged ‘cancer research’

Patient & Caregiver Engagement Opportunity: Synovial Sarcoma

The Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) partners with sarcoma researchers and industry to collaborate on ways to find more and better therapies for sarcoma patients. SFA does this to ensure that the voices of patients, survivors, caregivers, and sarcoma advocates are represented in research and therapy development. We believe that incorporating perspectives of patients and caregivers positively impacts and improves the overall drug development process. SFA is currently working with a pharmaceutical company on a project in synovial sarcoma. In order to fully understand the patient journey, and to increase understanding and develop treatments and resources for people living with…  Read More »

SFA Celebrates 20 Years of Sarcoma Research and Advocacy

The Sarcoma Foundation of America Celebrates 20 Years of Sarcoma Research and Advocacy As the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) celebrates our 20 year anniversary, we reflect not only on what we have accomplished, but also on what we envision for the future. Twenty years ago, SFA was founded to fill an unmet need – to fund and advocate for more sarcoma research and to encourage the development of new and better therapies for sarcoma patients. Looking back at these past 20 years, we see the impact of our work. Sarcoma is no longer being left behind, we have harnessed…  Read More »

Join Us for Our 20th Anniversary Celebration

Join the Sarcoma Foundation of America on August 10 for our 20th Anniversary!    Your support has made our work possible, so we want you to be a part of celebrating 20 years of funding vital sarcoma research, spreading awareness, and educating sarcoma patients and others. We invite you to join us virtually on August 10, 2020, to look back on all of the wonderful achievements of the Sarcoma Foundation of America and help us look ahead to an even bigger impact in the future.   Follow our Facebook event page on August 10 to be a part of this special virtual…  Read More »

We Need You for the National Race to Cure Sarcoma Virtual Event

    In celebration of Sarcoma Awareness Month, the Sarcoma Foundation of America invites you to join us for the National Race to Cure Sarcoma Virtual event on July 25, 2020. July is an important month for the sarcoma community because it is a time dedicated to those who have been touched by sarcoma. Although we are miles apart, we are connected through our common goal to find a cure for this disease. Join us as we virtually gather together to raise much needed awareness and research dollars in support of sarcoma patients and survivors and ultimately an end to…  Read More »

COVID-19, Collaboration and Sarcoma

By Brandi Felser, Executive Director COVID-19, Collaboration & Sarcoma Treating cancer like a pandemic: Collaboration is necessary to cure sarcoma COVID-19 has hit us like a wrecking ball. There is no part of society that has gone untouched. Despite the damage this pandemic has done, there has been some positive. The “system” of science has been upended and the science community has united, focused on one goal. All of our resources are being pooled to fight this virus. Data and information are being shared in new ways, shared faster and are freely available. #MedTwitter and other science threads offer information…  Read More »

Race to Cure Sarcoma Needs You Now More Than Ever

  The Race to Cure Sarcoma needs you now more than ever!   The current COVID-19 situation has caused events all over the country to be rescheduled or canceled. At the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA), the safety of sarcoma patients and RTCS participants are our top priority.   SFA is closely following federal government and individual state reopening plans and SFA is taking these plans into consideration as we make decisions to reschedule events or change to virtual events.   We know we must continue our goal of supporting research that leads to life saving treatments for sarcoma patients…  Read More »

A Moonshot to Cure Cancer Fact Sheet

The White House today released a fact sheet outlining the focus of the newly formed Cancer Moonshot Task Force. Highlights of the new initiative include support for funding increases for cancer-related activities at the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration, as well as a focus on activities such as pursuing genomic analysis of tumors and efforts to discover immunotherapies and combination therapies. Please make your voice heard during this process.  Share your story and how you have been impacted by sarcoma with the Vice President and the Cancer Moonshot Task Force.      THE WHITE HOUSE…  Read More »

A Moonshot to Cure Cancer

In President Obama’s final State of the Union Address, he announced a new initiative focused on finding the cure for cancer.  “Last year, Vice President Biden said that with a new moonshot, America can cure cancer.  Last month, he worked with this Congress to give scientists at the National Institutes of Health the strongest resources they’ve had in over a decade.  Tonight, I’m announcing a new national effort to get it done.  And because he’s gone to the mat for all of us, on so many issues over the past forty years, I’m putting Joe in charge of Mission Control. …  Read More »

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