As the leading private funder of research in the sarcoma community, it is our mission to advance more and less toxic treatment options for sarcoma patients. To this end, it is vital that patients have access to clinical trials. Often, sarcoma patients must travel or pay out-of-pocket expenses to participate. SFA receives inquiries from patients of all ages, from across the country, needing assistance for information about and access to clinical trials and sarcoma specialty centers. We realize the desperate need in the sarcoma community.
This program, in partnership with Jordan’s Dream Fund, helps cover out-of-pocket expenses for sarcoma patients participating in clinical trials. It is the first-of-its-kind financial assistance for the sarcoma community.

About Jordan’s Dream Fund
Jordan’s Dream Fund was established in 2017 in memory of 28-year-old Jordan Andrew Singer (1988-2017), a patient with epithelioid sarcoma. Singer befriended other sarcoma patients, many who did not have the financial resources to participate in clinical trials. This realization led to the formation of Jordan’s Dream Fund.
Jordan’s Dream Fund for Clinical Trials Application Guidelines
We only assist with direct expenses related to transportation (airfare, gas, rental cars, taxi fare, parking/tolls), and lodging.
Grants are awarded four times each year (quarterly). Grant amounts will not exceed $5,000, however there will be an opportunity to apply for an extension if additional funds are needed to complete the clinical trial. To highlight those with the most need, adjusted gross household income will weigh heavily into the funding decision.
2024 Submission Schedule
Application Deadline: March 9, 2024
Application Deadline: June 10, 2024
Application Deadline: September 9, 2024
Application Deadline: December 9, 2024
Jordan’s Dream Fund for Clinical Trials Application Process
Please read the application guidelines, then fill out and print this application and send it to us at
Applicants must meet financial eligibility requirements and already be accepted into or are already participating in a trial. Only completed applications are reviewed for eligibility. An application review will be conducted by SFA and selected applicants will meet virtually or by phone with members of the Jordan’s Dream Fund selection committee.
Grants are awarded for eligible expenses up to the maximum award limit per patient. All awards are based on available funds. Approval of an application does not ensure that funding will be at the maximum level requested. Funds are limited and will be granted based on availability as well as meeting all eligibility requirements.
Applicants selected for funding will receive an agreement to sign along with details to submit for reimbursement for expenses.
For questions, please contact us at