My Sarcoma Story – Sandi

Sandi Guida

In 1997 a dog playfully jumped on me and shattered my hip. A tumor was discovered and it was osteosarcoma. I had a full left leg amputation with a six-month regimen of chemo as an in-hospital patient, 23 hours a day for 5-7 days.

Six months after my surgery, the dog that jumped on me had a litter of pups, and her runt, a female, had to have her back left leg removed. I became an advocate for people with disabilities. She became a therapy dog.

I truly believe that the dog jumping on me was the grace of God, saving my life to thrive and live fully alive. I chose not to wear a prosthesis because the hemipelvectomy I had made the prosthetic too uncomfortable. So for 21 years, I walked on my one leg with forearm crutches.

I eventually started to utilize a semi-sports manual chair and power chair. I live a physically active life through a disability-appropriate exercise program. I drive with my accessible van, teach a creative writing class to women my age, and tell my story of hope and life enrichment.

I’m fully aware of how low the statistics are for surviving sarcoma. But, I’m more than surviving; I’m thriving and humbled each day for this blessing of life. I live a simple BUT abundant life and I get to be a grandma to my four beautiful grandchildren. I also self-publish children’s storybooks and donate all proceeds to non-profits. I would love to talk to someone about perhaps doing that for the Sarcoma Foundation.

As a 66-year-old woman, I still have so much more life to live to share the miraculous story God has blessed and entrusted me with.

Words of Wisdom: As long as you have breath, you have purpose.